“How can I overcome the fear of asking someone out?”
Fear is a powerful emotional response. For example, a fear of falling helps us to take extra precautions when walking on ice. A fear of failure keeps us from trying new things. The fear of rejection keeps us feeling insecure and unworthy, therefore making it difficult to find a partner who is good for us.
Ask yourself this question: “What’s the worst thing that will happen if I ask this person out and they say no?”
If you fear being embarrassed, keep this in mind: embarrassment is something we bring on ourselves, and as such, we can mentally prepare ourselves and control whether we’ll feel that way if we’re turned down. Besides, why get embarrassed just because this person doesn’t recognize what an awesome person you are?
If you fear that no one will never say yes to you, then you’ve got a problem. If you fear that there will never be anyone in your life if this one says no, then the problem is bigger than that.
Get connected with a therapist to help you get to the root of your fear, develop strategies to overcome this fear of rejection, and learn how to feel more confident in all aspects of your life.
Then you'll be ready to get out there and start asking people to go out...and secure enough to handle whatever the response is.
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